Natural Treatments for Back Pain with Rub On Relief by LivingWellTestimonialThe other, lotion type pain remover (Rub On Relief), actually does work about as well as anything I have found. Fortunately it worked well enough that I am over the pain. Just thought I would let you know. ~ John Disclaimer : Results May Vary Minimize Your Risk for Back PainYou can slow down or prevent your body from suffering these unpleasant pains by minimizing your risks to certain factors that make you vulnerable. For example, you have spinal problems since birth, have suffered from back injuries before (as well as undergone back surgery with it), or overall just getting older. Although it can be inevitable for some people to get back pain, certain measures can be taken to minimize or possibly even prevent back pain. You can do this with engaging in regular exercise to strengthen the spine, adopting a safer and healthier lifestyle like lifting heavy objects with your knees instead of your back, and maintaining good posture. Treating Back PainThe first step of treatment usually includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications. These are available over-the-counter to reduce the inflammation and pain, and include ibuprofen or acetaminophen (Tylenol). With minor injuries, taken in small doses, the pain can usually go away within a few days. If your pain continues, your doctor may give you prescription muscle relaxers to help you relieve from muscle spasms.
* Individual results may vary depending on many factors, including your medical conditions and personal approach.